If your laptop has been knocking around for a few years it might be looking the worse for wear. You might even think that the best thing for you to do would be just to go out and get a new one. However there are a few things you can do before you make a purchase like this. The following tips may help you get your laptop back looking as good as new well almost anyway.
- Cleaning your laptop and screen with the proper cleaning products is the first thing you should do. Make sure that you are doing this right so that you don't end up causing damage to your laptop. However the best results will always come if you pay a professional to clean it for you. When it comes to cleaning your laptop, it is something that you should do at least twice a year making sure you use the correct solution for cleaning the LCD screen and something like pressurised air for the keyboard.
- If you computer is starting to run very slowly then it might be worth your while re-installing Windows. And check your anit-virus to be sure that it is doing its job properly as well as making sure that you have all the updates installed.
- Remove any applications that you no longer use as these just take up room on your computer.
- Your computer might be running slower than usual because it needs to be defragmented; run a defrag occasionally to ensure that your computer is working properly.
- You might need to get a new battery if you find that it is running out of charge very quickly. But for laptops which are quite old, it can be difficult to find replacement batteries or they end up costing a small fortune. But you could always get an external battery instead.
The above are just a few tips which might help. If you follow these your computer will be looking almost new again.
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